Dr. Stanley’s articles are recognised worldwide for their innovation and contribution to the future of dentistry.

My reflections & visions for the future on the 100th episode of the Dentology Podcast

UCL Aesthetics Symposium 2023: recap and reviews

Artificial intelligence in dentistry

Join me at the Longevity Med Summit in Lisbon

I’m getting ready to participate in the Longevity Med Summit in Lisbon, Portugal on May 8th and 9th, and am super excited about this event whose essence is “Committed to Global Wellness”. What does dentistry have to do with longevity you may be asking? Everything.

Gearing up for Amsterdam!

I’m getting ready to speak at the first North-West European event about function in dentistry, which will be happening in Amsterdam between April 19 and 20.

Healthy Teeth = Healthy Skin

When it comes to health, not all people are the same and some are more sensitive than others. Those who manage skin conditions on a daily basis know this very well. What they might not know is that there is a strong link between managing oral health and managing a variety of skin conditions.

Healthy Teeth = Healthy Brain

I’ve been connecting the dots between oral health and general health for over 25 years now and that connection is not only undeniable, but has become increasingly significant as we clearly understand that if something is wrong in the body, the diagnosis process may very well need to begin with the mouth.

The Missing Link

I am very passionate about surgery, and my days are typically taken up with treating complex cases, including those involving 3D bone and soft-tissue reconstruction around dental implants and comprehensive oral rehabilitation, with my long-time team at the White Clinic, in Lisbon, Portugal. And I am very passionate about connecting systemic health to dental health.

The Future of Dentistry with Karma

I recently sat down in the Netherlands with Karma Dental Philosophy for a great webinar where we discussed so many insightful questions that are at the core of the current state of dentistry, where it’s headed and how it differs across the globe.

Artificial intelligence in dentistry

For those who have been paying attention to the latest news in the technology space, you will most certainly have noticed that OpenAI recently launched ChatGPT, a new artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. It is amazing to see how this technology works and how quickly it can do incredibly complex tasks and have virtually all the information that is online at your disposal in a matter of seconds.

“Digital does not improve mistakes, it highlights them.”

In an interview with Maxillaris, the vice-president of the Digital Dentistry Society – and member of several international scientific and academic institutions – predicts that in the future “it will be the patient who will be making more conscious decisions, assisted by artificial intelligence”.

Artificial Intelligence & Dentistry.
The future is here.

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