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Dr. Stanley’s articles are recognised worldwide for their innovation and contribution to the future of dentistry.

“The Golden Era of dentistry is yet to come, underpinned by technology, software, and the potential of artificial intelligence. AI promises quality care at an affordable rate within the safest environment. As we look to the future, we foresee a transformation – a realm governed by new rules of engagement. Indeed, AI will redefine the dental ecosystem.”

Dental Check-up Podcast: a preview of the Young Dentists Forum WDC24

Dr Miguel Stanley shares his view of the future of digital dentistry at exocad Insights 2024

Going slow means going further, working smarter, being safer

Is it Becoming Harder to Hire?

When I graduated from university in 1998, the internet was in its early stages and social media was in the distant future, and the yellow pages (Google it if you’re under 30) was still a place where I would go to try and find out about business contacts.

Portugal > Germany > Denmark: what a great week

Portugal > Germany > Denmark: what a great week

This was a very busy week for me, with two great trips, the opportunity to participate in exciting events, alongside networking with amazing colleagues from around the globe that share my passion for all things dentistry.

Accelerated aligners with photobiomodulation

When I first heard about clear aligners in the early 2000s (the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of clear aligners to straighten teeth in 1980), it must have sounded like science fiction. The fact that it was created in Silicon Valley by people who had nothing to do with the dental industry, in seeking solutions that do not require complicated appliances in the mouth, is really an incredible story.

Special Report: “Yellow Smile”

Data regarding oral health in Portugal is worrisome. Thirty percent of the Portuguese only go to the dentist in an emergency and 10% of the national population has no teeth.

Aligners: More regulation or just a consumer product?

Why do we need to straighten teeth? How do we do it? What is the best way? These are the big questions nowadays, and I think that the answers to these questions, as well as how we actually do these treatments, have changed over the past decades.

The “32 Most Influential People in Dentistry”

And one of them is me! WOW! I am beyond honoured to have been named one of the “32 Most Influential People in Dentistry” by Incisal Edge magazine, alongside some of the biggest CEOs and global leaders in the world of dentistry. It’s truly incredible being able to witness and be a part of all the exciting things currently happening in oral healthcare. 

Trust in healthcare: is it eroding?

One of the great pillars of healthcare, a relationship of trust between doctor and patient is crucial – while one is facing health problems, the other has the skills, knowledge and experience to minimise suffering, create a treatment plan, execute it and accompany the patient towards a solution that restores health and wellbeing. So, why is trust in healthcare eroding?

How to be a better patient and get better care

As healthcare providers, our expertise and skills are at the forefront of what we do, but our “bedside manner” is just as important, precisely because we are dealing with other people’s health.

Accelerated aligners with photobiomodulation

When I first heard about clear aligners in the early 2000s (the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of clear aligners to straighten teeth in 1980), it must have sounded like science fiction. The fact that it was created in Silicon Valley by people who had nothing to do with the dental industry, in seeking solutions that do not require complicated appliances in the mouth, is really an incredible story.

Special Report: “Yellow Smile”

Data regarding oral health in Portugal is worrisome. Thirty percent of the Portuguese only go to the dentist in an emergency and 10% of the national population has no teeth.

Aligners: More regulation or just a consumer product?

Why do we need to straighten teeth? How do we do it? What is the best way? These are the big questions nowadays, and I think that the answers to these questions, as well as how we actually do these treatments, have changed over the past decades.

The “32 Most Influential People in Dentistry”

And one of them is me! WOW! I am beyond honoured to have been named one of the “32 Most Influential People in Dentistry” by Incisal Edge magazine, alongside some of the biggest CEOs and global leaders in the world of dentistry. It’s truly incredible being able to witness and be a part of all the exciting things currently happening in oral healthcare. 

Trust in healthcare: is it eroding?

One of the great pillars of healthcare, a relationship of trust between doctor and patient is crucial – while one is facing health problems, the other has the skills, knowledge and experience to minimise suffering, create a treatment plan, execute it and accompany the patient towards a solution that restores health and wellbeing. So, why is trust in healthcare eroding?

How to be a better patient and get better care

As healthcare providers, our expertise and skills are at the forefront of what we do, but our “bedside manner” is just as important, precisely because we are dealing with other people’s health.

No Half Smiles: how saying NO can turn a dentist into a healer

“No Half Smiles” is a treatment philosophy I developed a few years ago and it is based on the idea of always doing what your patients need, not what they want. But how do we do that? And why do so many dentists give in to what a patient wants and end up doing quick fixes instead of treating the entire mouth?

Health Care vs. Wealth Care

For private practitioners, dentistry is a gentle balancing act between providing safe and quality oral healthcare, and running a business based on other people’s wellbeing, including their own and that of their staff. A business is always a business, and healthcare is always healthcare, which means it’s crucial that patients understand the investment that goes on behind the scenes of a private dental practice when questioning why a dental appointment is so expensive.

Slow Dentistry: why it’s better to go slow

In a world that’s so used to moving fast, it is becoming increasingly important to know when and where to slow down. And dentistry just so happens to be one of those areas – thanks to the global phenomenon Slow Dentistry that has gained popularity in over 50 countries worldwide. I know what you’re thinking: why would patients want to spend any longer than they already have to at their dentist? Let’s discuss why.

Artificial Intelligence & Dentistry.
The future is here.

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