
A dentist who has been talking about and practicing dentistry of the future for over 25 years.

Dr. Miguel Stanley has been invited to give lectures and share his work philosophy – “No Half Smiles” and “Life Changing Dentistry” – all over the world. He has spoken in more than 50 countries, in 4 different languages, mainly focused on the areas of oral surgery, implantology, dental aesthetics, and medical and clinical management, always centred on ethics and the importance of taking care of the emotional component of the patient. He also created and produced seven television “makeover” TV shows in Portugal – “Dr. I Need Help” and “Dr. White”. He was part of CBS’s “The Doctors” show in Hollywood in 2013. “Health on the Road to Happiness” is the title of the book he wrote in 2012, edited by the largest Portuguese publisher, the Leya Group. He is now proudly implementing everything he has learned throughout his career at White Clinic, a dental clinic with a world-class multidisciplinary team, as well as sharing his knowledge across the four corners of the world with dentists and the medical industry.


Yankee Study Club Fall 2024 – “Advanced Treatment Planning for Integrative Dental Health”, Session 1
September 4.

Webinar Photobiomodulation – with ATP38 Biotech Dental
April 23.


Webinar Implant & Aesthetic Academy – Howie Gluckman: “Advanced Bone Healing Protocols”
February 16.


Clinical Dentistry with Dentistry Webinars “Clinical Dentistry: The Importance of Practicing Slow Dentistry”
August 9.

24h Webinar (EMS): ADF (Biotech booth)
April 29.


Live: Open Web Fireside Chat
“Healthcare – Who Owns my Data?” with Sergey Jakimov and James O’Shaughnessy

June 14.

Webinar – Building a successful practice around successful regeneration
May 19.

Mid Year Meeting – A Virtual Experience “Slow Dentistry: why starting your career going slow is vital to long-term success”
April 2.

Instagram Live – Humble Smile Fundation “Let’s talk about Dental Secrets!” with Dr. Darren Weiss
March 11.

Interview on the Ricardo Pereira show “Impacto da saúde oral na saúde geral” with Dr. Miguel Stanley and Dr. Ana Paz
February 13.


Carestream Dental Conference
“Implanting confidence – Implantology Talks”

December 6-10.

Oral Health Conferences
“Avaliar o impacto da pandemia, recuperar a confiança dos pacientes”
December 3.

24h Webinar (EMS): ADF (Biotech booth)
November 29.

AAID 69th Annual Conference
Main podium speaker – “Digital Dentistry”

November 11.

Global Webinar Series for the St. Lawerence College School of Business – “The global healthcare sector post Covid-19”
October 30.

Webinar hosted by KOM Symposium “Slow Dentistry”
October 23.

Webinar VIW – Veneers Intelligent Week
October 19.

3rd Digital Dentistry Society Consensus Conference – Virtual event
October 2.

Webinar hosted by Biotech & Jordania Dental Association – “Implant Solution & Innovative Technologies”
September 30.

Webinar hosted by the Japanese Study Club – “Slow Dentistry”
August 21.

Webinar – “Slow Dentistry member”
August 15.

Online interview – Live Instagram
Invited by Dr. Gianluca Di Chiaro: “The Future of Dentistry”

July 25.

Online interview – Dentistry Online
Invited by Dr. Jana Denzel: “Secrets to success”

July 17.

Webinar hosted by Columbia University College of Dental Medicine – “The new boundaries of dentistry”
June 29.

Webinar hosted by UPENN
Excellence in Restorative Dentistry Lecture Series – “The new boundaries of dentistry”

May 26.

Webinar hosted by Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Faculdade de Medicina Dentária: “Como Slow Dentistry será o novo normal nas clínicas dentárias pós Covid-19”
May 23.

Webinar hosted by Dr. Todd Scheyer (Institute of Houston Dental Synergy) – “How Slow Dentistry will be the new normal in the post Covid-19 dental practice”
May 22.

Webinar hosted by VOCO
“Digital workflow: new materials and modern technologies”

May 19.

Webinar hosted by Carestream Dental with Dr. Miguel Stanley and Dr. Cherie Le Penske
May 15.

International Roundtable
“Cross infection control” – Hosted by Christian Coachman

May 7.

Webinar hosted by Coem Formación “Conversación Con Un Experto: Recomendaciones del clínico para la vuelta al trabajo”
May 7.

Online interview – Invited by Dr. Eric Kukucka (The Denture Center)
May 5.

Online interview – Live Instagram
Invited by Dr. Miguel Ortiz: “NoHalfSmiles”
May 4.

Webinar – “Slow Dentistry y la digitalización: Decisiones para un nuevo normal después del COVID-19” with Dr. Delfin Barquero
May 2.

Online interview – Invited by Dr. Jana Denzel (dentistry.co.uk)
May 2.

The evolution of dentistry
A challenging future: our thoughts, with Dr. Giulio Rasperini, Dr. Miguel Stanley, Dr. Will Giannobile and Dr. Marc Nevins

May 1.

Online interview – Invited by Dr. Farokh Jiveh
May 1.

Online interview – Invited by Dr. Tiago Batista Fernandes – “O cirurgião plástico e o dentista: as duas vertentes de um sorriso”
April 30.

ATP38 – Debate with experts
“Table ronde: Faisons la lumière sur la photobiomodulation”

April 30.

Webinar hosted by Dr. Hugo Sousa Dias (Hugo Sousa Dias & Friends – Webinar sessions) – “How Slow Dentistry will be the new normal in the post Covid-19 dental practice”
April 30.

Webinar hosted by CharkEducation (Sleep & Airway management webinars / Global series) – “How Slow Dentistry will be the new normal in the post Covid-19 dental practice”
April 29.

Webinar hosted by Dental Circle
“Expert panel session: Life after Covid-19”

April 28.

Online interview – Invited by Dr. Kyle Stanley
April 25.

Webinar with Dr. Markus Troltzsch
“Positive Dentistry: What will post-Covid dentistry look like?”

April 25.

Webinar hosted by Grimberg Dentales “Como Slow Dentistry será considerado algo normal en nuestra practica clínica después del Covid-19”
April 24.

Webinar for Freshdental Institute with Dr. Monik Vasant “Slow Dentistry – the new normal post Covid-19”
April 23.

Webinar hosted by Dentrain
“Slow Dentistry – the new normal in the post-Covid era”

April 23.

Online interview – Invited by Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
April 21.

Online interview –
Invited by Dr. Ken Serota
April 19.

Webinar – “The power of biological dentistry and how we can improve immune system and general health through dental care” – Dr. Miguel Stanley & Dr. Dominik Nischwitz
April 17.

Webinar – “How technology is changing the dental industry and the public’s perception of quality”
April 8.

Webinar – “How Slow Dentistry can transform your practice into a premium medical dental business”
April 3.

Live Chat – Miguel Stanley Academy with Dr. Simon Chard
April 1.

Instagram Live Discussion – “How to build a successful practice”
March 30.

Coffee with Coachman – Facebook
“COVID-19: And now, what?”
March 29.

“How the #nohalfsmiles treatment philosophy can produce full effective results in your practice”
March 27.

“How to build a successful practice” – Dr. Miguel Stanley & Dr. Nazariy Mykhaylyuk
March 20.

Bulletproof Practice – a best seller on Amazon and the No.1 rated dental podcast in dentistry, Guest
January 17.


1st Slow Dentistry Meeting, Host and Keynote
November 23.

24h Webinar (EMS): “The revolution in prevention in profilaxis”
November 23.

Smoking kills 8 million people a year:
why is it still ok to smoke?

Biting into Healthcare